Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
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Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Vous pensiez avoir fini le jeu ? Et bien, non pas du tout ! Une fois atteint la fin vous aurez accès a du contenu de haut niveau ( raid, missions hebdo, strikes .. ) pour commencer votre légende.
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Dernière édition par Hawkeinheim le Mer 30 Juil - 23:14, édité 1 fois
Hawkeinheim- Conjunctio
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Re: Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Une traduction des grandes lignes serait la bienvenue
Setsua- VIP
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Re: Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Il serait préférable de partager les informations directement dans le corps du message plutôt que de créer le sujet simplement pour poster un lien. But thanks.
- Transcription:
- Raids are the cooperative aspiration endgame in Destiny. It’s unlike the Strike activity in that it requires cooperation, it requires communication. The activity is actually gonna take you and your group of five buddies into a place that you’ve never been, a place you’ve never gone, and a place that you will return to frequently, and demand of you things you’ve never even really been asked to do in a shooter before.
What we wanted to understand is, how to make an experience that married with the action game, how we make something that leverages all the feelings of the raid that we understand from a game like World of Warcraft or Everquest: cooperation, relying on each other, teamwork, and how do you marry that with a game where you jump and shoot, have abilities, supers, grenades that you activate, all that stuff, how we bring those things together, and then on top of all of that create an activity where everyone in the activity has a job, has a role. So somehow that is a bit more organic than it is to say like, “you’re gonna tank this”. We’re not doing that; we’re not asking for classes who are like “Oh, I’ll be the DPS guy”. Nope, all of your jobs are to shoot guys.
By convention, it’s trying to build you guys into a group that forces you to work together, asks you to work together and to get through it. It’s not an activity that we expect you to get through first time through. Unlike a bunch of the other activities in Destiny where you begin an activity up, let’s say you picked the 22-level Strike playlist, everything in that activity is going to be level 22. It’s going to be consistent. If you’re level 26, you’re going to have some relationship to it, you’re going to be more powerful than that activity. In the raid, when it begins at level 25, that’s not where it ends. Part of going through the raid is the journey of gearing up, acquiring, like building your arsenal to react to the situations that it’s going to ask you to go through.
Obviously, we have big, cool bosses. I think that we’ve given people a taste in Strikes of what the bosses are, and what they can do. The raid bosses are different. They’re still big monsters, much like what you’ve seen, they’re still scary, but they have a bunch of abilities that are unlike anything you’ve really experienced in a shooter before.
Raids are a really big bet for us. It’s a big risk, because the activity requires you to have a group of five other friends to play with! Like, if the worst thing that happens is you get your group together and you all have a great time and make your way through the first difficulty level of the raid, wow, that’s gonna be awesome. I bet you’ll want to come back. Hopefully the gear makes you want to come back.
Raids are just this one piece of the puzzle because they’re the thing that sits at the end, they’re the thing that a bunch of your goal is to get in to get that gear. Like the game sort of begins, and hopefully does begin for a bunch of players, at level 20. You can get into Strikes, so you’re gearing up in the Strikes to get your character levelled up. After level 20, which you’ve earned through XP, that number is going to change, and its meaning is going to change to you. This is about building an arsenal where you have all the weapon archetypes that you like, all the damage colours that you want to chew through enemies’ shields. All this things are gonna build your arsenal.
The next part is a suite of activities that we’re building that occupy different spaces on that spectrum. So that’s when we’re going to enter the “What can I do today when I log in? What’s the Director got for me today?” That’s things like the daily story chapter. Like when I log in each day, there are a couple of options, of different stuff that I can do, with XP bonuses ’cause I want to continue level up my character, my build, the talents on my gear, etc. Other stuff are these activities called Nightfall activities. They come in two flavours: daily, and weekly. They have extremely exotic rewards. One of them rewards a currency that lets you buy the most powerful arcane gear in the game, things like… I think I talked about, you know, the Cudgel of Xanthor before, it’s stuff like that. There’s not a Cudgel of Xanthor in the game, it’s just an example. Something like Hard Light, something like Bad Juju. A weapon that is rarely available, that is hard to find. And this is how you get the currency to do that.
So another part of the endgame for Destiny in the same way that we’re talking about activities for every mood, we want to have activities that occupy the range of challenge for you. If you’re a fresh level 20, you can play the Nightfall daily activity at level 22, and it’s going to be hard. It’s going to be challenging, but you can get through it, maybe. Maybe if you have some friends. The weekly Nightfall activity is something that pushes all the way out, as far as the levelling allows you to go in Destiny. So it ends up occupying at the far end of the spectrum this extremely high gameplay investment challenge. It’s both the toughest guys we can throw at you, that’s going to require the best gear, and it’s going to have a bunch of modifiers on it that make it even harder. Like, if you’re an Arc Titan and there’s a modifier on the activity, all Arc damage is dampened by 75%. A whole bunch of stuff in your build is going to be bad. You’re going to be nerfed, maybe it’s going to make you look at your character and go “Oh, I should level up my Void build so I can still deal a bunch of damage with my grenades”, or “I’m running Arc weapons, I should switch and go get a Void shotgun. That will be better for this activity.”
The endgame is basically about finding the balance, for us as we’re trying to build the content, between investment challenge, gameplay challenge, and, at the far side, cooperation challenge. We want you to build a character, a legacy, something familiar that you look at and log in to, and I certainly hope that that’s what we’re set up to deliver.
tl;dr (en français) : les raids nécessitent travail d’équipe, communication et équipement de pointe ; contrairement aux Assauts, où le niveau reste globalement le même de bout en bout, les raids proposeront des ennemis dont le niveau variera (certainement de façon progressive et croissante). Ils demanderont de nombreux essais, mais les récompenses vaudront assurément le coup.
Il y a d’autres activités de haut niveau, au-delà de 20, appelées « Nightfall », qui existent en deux versions : quotidiennes et hebdomadaires ; les hebdomadaires poussent les limites jusqu’au bout, offrent du challenge jusqu’au plus haut niveau possible (pas de précision numérique) en présentant les monstres les plus balèzes et également des modificateurs qui les rendent plus difficiles (exemple : dégâts cryo-électriques diminués de 75 %). Ces activités donnent des récompenses exotiques, certaines permettent d’obtenir une monnaie rare pour acheter des équipements puissants.
Il y a d’autres activités de haut niveau, au-delà de 20, appelées « Nightfall », qui existent en deux versions : quotidiennes et hebdomadaires ; les hebdomadaires poussent les limites jusqu’au bout, offrent du challenge jusqu’au plus haut niveau possible (pas de précision numérique) en présentant les monstres les plus balèzes et également des modificateurs qui les rendent plus difficiles (exemple : dégâts cryo-électriques diminués de 75 %). Ces activités donnent des récompenses exotiques, certaines permettent d’obtenir une monnaie rare pour acheter des équipements puissants.
Re: Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Haaa ! Voilà comment obtenir cette fameuse monnaie !
Waxx- Acquisito
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Re: Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Ils considèrent le niveau 20 comme etant haut? Pour les contenus HL je m'attendais plutôt à un truc du genre niveau 50..
Rocket- Caput Draconis
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Re: Activités endgame (Raid, Nightfall)
Tout du dépend du cap max. Si l'on considère qu'au lvl 20 on entame les raids, cela veut dire que le palier d'évolution HL sera plus large, et cela me va à merveille.
Setsua- VIP
- GamerTag : LightInDark02
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Destiny Raid, Nightfall Missions detailed
Petit topo dressé par Ign sur les raids, missions, difficulté de celles-ci, ennemis rencontrés, le travail en équipe et d'autres infos.
Setsua- VIP
- GamerTag : LightInDark02
Team : Nouvel Espoir
Console : Xbox One
Messages : 1266
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2014
Âge : 35
Réputation : 52
Classe : Chasseur
Race : Éveillé
Faction : Osiris
Domaine favori : Autres
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